science dissertation writing guides Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:54:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 6 Books About Scientific Thesis Writing You Should Read Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:20:09 +0000 Academic papers play a crucial role in determining the fate of a student. Writing such research papers requires students to have adequate research skills and knowledge. One challenging part when writing a scientific thesis is the ability to gather relevant materials that will ease the research process. That is why in this guide, we highlight some of the best books you can draw inspiration from and learn how to write science-related academic papers.

What is scientific research?

Research is simply the process of gathering and organizing information in a given context to find solutions, prove a theory, or understand something. Therefore, writing a scientific dissertation involves identifying a gap in the scientific field, creating a suitable topic, and doing the research to establish possible answers to existing questions or to support or dismiss existing theories on a given topic or subject matter.

What is a thesis statement in science?

A scientific thesis statement is a simplified argument of the whole research paper, usually in one or two sentences. The ideas and context of the paper must align with the thesis statement you choose.

Types of scientific research

Under scientific thesis writing, we have different types of academic tasks, as highlighted below

  • Qualitative

This research focuses on data and not quantity. It is all about describing and explaining the data. Common research methods under qualitative research are interviews, case studies, and literature reviews, among others.

  • Quantitative research

This research project relies on numbers, just like the name suggests. Therefore, the research process may involve either counting or measuring data. Research methods under this category include observation, experiments, and surveys.

  • Mixed research

This research project involves both qualitative and quantitative research aspects.

  • Basic research

Also known as theoretical or fundamental research, basic research focuses on developing new scientific theories or reviewing existing theories with the aim of expanding human knowledge of the concept.

  • Applied research

This research has one main objective; solving an already existing problem using existing theories and knowledge.

Top 6 books about thesis writing you should know

If you are looking for a perfect guide you writing a compelling thesis, then you should consider the following books:

Surviving Your Dissertation

Published in 2015, Surviving your dissertation book was written by Kjell Erik Rudestam; Rae R. Newton to give appropriate answers to all dissertation writing processes.

What’s more, you will learn different types of research models and learn how to overcome stress when writing a thesis.

Excellent Dissertations!

Written by Peter Levin, this book helps students throughout the dissertation writing process by highlighting a clear plan to follow. Besides, you will get answers to common questions regarding dissertation writing, such as topic selection and dissertation length, among others.

Dissertation Desk Reference

If you are looking for a dissertation guide that will simplify the writing process, then you need to review this book written by Raymond L. Calabrese.

The guide highlights the different sections of a dissertation with top-selected examples you can refer to.

How to Write an Exceptional Thesis / Dissertation

Are you searching for a dissertation guide that will teach you how to organize your research materials, analyze the concept and see the bigger picture? Then you need this guide by J. S. Graustein. You can then be sure to produce a compelling and original dissertation.  

How to Write a Thesis

Just like the name suggests, this guide was written by Rowena Murray, describing practical tips and strategies that will help you write the best dissertation ever!

Dissertation Solutions

This guide will help you learn the basic skills and tools required to write a desirable dissertation, including the outlining process, research, and writing processes. What’s more, you will learn how to motivate yourself to finish your dissertation.


When it is all about dissertation writing, it can be challenging and overwhelming, thus leading to stress. As part of finding solutions to dissertation writing, consider trying the books highlighted in this guide for a smooth process.

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Average Dissertation Length: Beginner’s Formatting Guide Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:19:51 +0000 A dissertation is one of the longest essay projects students have to undertake at some point in their academic lives. It follows a set structure with different sections highlighting different concepts to make the dissertation paper complete. Being among the largest academic projects, the main question is, how long is a dissertation?

In this guide, we highlight useful insights into the average dissertation length and any other crucial information you need to know regarding the length of dissertation, especially since a dissertation is made up of different chapters, with each chapter representing crucial information on the subject matter. Keep reading for a better understanding.

How long is a dissertation paper?

The question of dissertation length varies based on the nature of the topic. Therefore, a PhD dissertation length can be more or less based on the subject matter of your whole project. However, an ideal dissertation will fall between 25,000 – 40,000 words. This leads us to another question; how many pages is a dissertation?

Again, based on the nature of your subject matter or research topic, the number of pages for a dissertation paper may range between 75 – 125 pages. The goal is to focus on the dissertation chapters, ensuring each section meets the set guidelines.  

The different parts of a dissertation

Having answered the question of how long is a PhD dissertation, let’s do an analysis of parts of a dissertation that make the word count and the number of pages.

  1. Title page

This is the very first section of a dissertation with the following details:

  • Title of the research
  • Writer’s name
  • Institute’s name

The details should be arranged according to the formatting guidelines in the requirements.

  1. Abstract

This is a research summary, briefing the reader about the objectives of the research in a short and precise manner.

  1. Acknowledgment

This part includes details of the people who helped with the research in one way or the other. It can be a spouse, parents, tutors, or children, among others.

  1. Table of content

The tables show the sub-sections of a dissertation in a simplified manner. It makes it easy for the reader to click on the specific details they want to review.

  1. Figures and tables

If you use figures and tables in your dissertation, you include them just after the T.O.C. to enable the reader to click and access the details instantly.

  1. Abbreviations list

Next, you include all the abbreviations you’ve used in your research paper with their meaning. The abbreviations are usually arranged in alphabetical order.

  1. Introduction

The dissertation introduction sets the base of your paper by giving the reader the direction of your paper.

  1. Literature review

This section is simply a review of past work on the same topic. Therefore, the writer must do an analysis of similar works before writing a literature review.

  1. Methodology

This section explains the methods or approaches used to carry out the research.

  1. Findings

Describe the results of the methods used. Sometimes, this section is usually merged with the discussion section.

  1. Conclusion

This is a simplified summary of all the details highlighted in the dissertation.

  1. Reference list

This section includes all the sources used during the research process.

  1. Appendices

This is the last section of a dissertation paper, and it may include transcripts, surveys, or even questionnaires. 


Knowing the exact details for writing a compelling dissertation is a must to succeed in the project. The secrete is knowing the average dissertation length, selecting a perfect topic, the forming a plan on how to structure each section of a dissertation to ensure you meet the word limit.

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5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Coping with Dissertation Stress Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:19:37 +0000 Just like any other academic task, writing a good dissertation isn’t an easy task. The task itself is overwhelming, and there is no doubt that students often make mistakes during the writing process. These mistakes can cause distress among students, better known as dissertation stress, since no student wants to fail or re-do the paper again.

However, the good news is that with proper strategies and measures, it is easy to manage and control dissertation stress by understanding the elements leading to such stress when writing a dissertation and avoiding mistakes early enough. Keep reading this guide to have useful insights on stress management dissertation.

What makes up a good dissertation?

Before we discuss how to manage stress of dissertation, let’s, first of all, understand the elements that make up a compelling dissertation. These elements include the following:

  • It follows the set writing guidelines or requirements
  • Outlines the objectives in a clear manner
  • Has a clear structure – well organized
  • A good dissertation is made up of strong points supporting the thesis (well-researched)
  • Demonstrates originality
  • It should be well-referenced (citations according to the requirements)

These are among the many other elements that will make your dissertation stand out.

How to handle dissertation stress

Sometimes, dissertation stress quotes and other stressors when writing a dissertation are inevitable. However, with the following approaches, you can handle such stress like a pro and bring out the best dissertation:

  • Start early to beat the deadline
  • Understand the assignment first
  • Take breaks
  • Keep your research materials and books organized
  • Create a plan to follow
  • Ask for dissertation stress help when you feel overwhelmed

5 Mistakes to Avoid when writing a dissertation

Some dissertation writers often make the following mistakes during the writing process, which make it a bit complicated to finish the project appropriately. Therefore, avoid these mistakes for a smooth writing process.

  1. Starting late

Even when you feel you are a pro, a dissertation is a big project that requires adequate time to prepare, gather resources, do research, and write. When you start early, you will have enough time to organize yourself and write the paper without feeling stressed.

  1. Selecting a wrong dissertation topic

The basis of a good dissertation is a good topic. In case you pick a weak topic, then your whole dissertation will be weak. Besides, you can exhaust all the ideas while in the middle of the research, thus feeling the pressure. Therefore, always select a researchable and interesting topic in your field of study.

  1. Writing a weak thesis statement

A thesis statement plays a big role in the details you include in your dissertation. All the points and details you describe in the dissertation should align with the thesis statement. If you include ideas that contradict the thesis statement, you are likely to lose track of your writing process, thus causing dissertation stress.

  1. Failure to create a dissertation outline

The number one secrete to writing a perfect dissertation on time is creating an outline that will guide you when writing the sections of the main dissertation draft for submission. Therefore as you plan the writing process, always include time for creating a detailed outline to escape dissertation stress.

  1. Not proofreading well

A dissertation being a big project requires adequate attention to detail. That is why proofreading after the writing process is essential. However, you can proofread but still get it wrong. Mistakes such as grammar errors, typos, plagiarism, and improper formatting can cost you a lot. That is why it is a good move to seek expert help when it comes to proofreading a dissertation paper.


How well are you prepared to write your upcoming dissertation? This guide gives you some insights into the mistakes you should take note of and avoid in advance.

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Guide to Nature of the Study of a Science Dissertation Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:02:44 +0000 If you are new to desertion writing, you will hear people commend the nature of the study and get confused. What is the nature of a study in research? It is a simple concept once you understand it. The nature of the study is a description of the sample under study and the process you use in the collection of data. It explains the sources and instruments used for the collection of data that answers the study questions.

What is the nature of study? For a proper understanding of the nature of the study, you need to have other basic knowledge of a dissertation structure.

How do you tell a good dissertation thesis?

There are several things to look at when judging the best dissertation thesis. Your professor will pay attention to your topic when validating the quality of the paper you are presenting. The title should reflect the theme of your dissertation.

Apart from the title, other sections of the dissertation about its value are the introduction, methodology, results, and discussion. All of this section should be according to the guideline and writing format. The referencing should follow the paper referencing style.

How should you write

There is a basic format to follow in writing a dissertation paper. It should have a summary section that briefly explains what the whole paper entails. After the summary, there is an introduction section. The section describes why you are carrying out the study. The paper also contains a background information section which includes all the information you need to understand the results.

  • Writing a thesis statement

A thesis statement is a summary of all central points of your thesis paper. It always comes nearly the end of your introductions. The statement will differ depending on the type of dissertation you are writing. It should, however, illustrate the main point you need to explain in your paper.

  • How to write a good thesis introduction

The introduction is a crucial part of dissertation writing. It provides an impression of the entire work. It should be accurate and presented attractively to encourage the reader to go through your work to an end. Some characteristics make a good thesis introduction. Your introduction should have a general description of the topic and some background information. It should also give a literature review related to the topic and define some scope and terms used in the thesis. You should also describe the current situation and identify the gaps.

  • Writing the conclusion

When writing a conclusion paragraph, ensure it contains topical, supporting, and closing sentences. The topical sentence should refresh the thesis statement. On the other hand, the supporting sentence provides a summary of the main points in the thesis and links them together. The closing sentence connects with the introduction and provides a sense of closure.

  • Writing an ending sentence in the thesis paper

How should you end sentences in your thesis is paper? The best way of making an ending in a thesis is by rephrasing the topic. Review the main points in your dissertation and connect with the summaries of all the arguments in the paper.


Nature of study explains the sample under study and the methods you use to collect and analyze data. It is a general guide on how you will arrive at your findings. To understand the nature of the study, you must have the basic knowledge of the entire dissertation writing process. The content above provides some basic information you need to know on the thesis as you try to understand about the nature of the study.

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Ways to Write a Science Dissertation Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:02:17 +0000 When it is your final year, and you have a dissertation, you may get confused about what to do. Dissertation writing is a long journey that needs time and persuasion. It is just like a novel which will require your creativity in making it as enjoyable as possible for the reader to stick to it to the end. However, your scientific topic may be dry, and you need to make your write-up appealing to the reader. This is where DissertationTeam writing service can help.

The way you organize your ideas and articulate your concepts to the reader matters a lot. Your work should be catchy and keep the reader interested in knowing what the findings or end look like. An academic dissertation aims to persuade the committee that you understand what they need you to do. Though you may take a lot of time researching and bring in new concepts, the presentation of your ideas matters more than you may think.

How do you make your science dissertation writing smooth? You can try the following tips for a flowing scientific thesis.

  • Organize your augment

The primary goal of the dissertation is to show the panelists that you have mastered all they need to hear from you. To achieve this, follow the rules of writing a dissertation and organize your ideas according to the approved format for dissertation. Seek advice for writing dissertation from your supervisor so that you may structure your paper accordingly.

  • Use a captivating writing style

Your writing style matters a lot when presenting your ideas and findings in a dissertation paper. You should make your language and writing style convincing without losing the real meaning of the scientific concept. Such skill may seem challenging to use and follow, but with practice, you master the art.

  • Be precise

The panelist will not judge your dissertation by the volume of words you use. Choice of words is critical in your writing. You should focus on making your points short and clear rather than being wordy in your writing. Clear and well-constructed sentences will help you express your ideas without exceeding the word limit of the paper. The methods section in dissertation explains how you arrive at the findings. Always have this section brief but to the point .

  • Make your introduction strong

Introduction of your dissertation tells a lot about what the enter write-up is all about. If you make it weak, nobody will feel the need to go through your entire work. Remember, your supervisor has another volume of tasks to take care of. Therefore, your introduction should be attractive. Use it to trap the attention and concentration of your supervisor into your work. Chose statements that are catchy and involve the reader’s five senses in your piece.

  • Support your ideas with solid points

Your work will be so plain if you don’t include strong evidence to your points. Ensure you have good examples to support each of your idea in the dissertation. Include the citations to make your work look more authentic.

  • Summarize your result and make a robust discussion

Nobody will have time for raw data. You should summarize your results in good tables and charts for easy understanding. Organize them to have a good flow.

Discussion is where you need to show your mental capability. Link it to the literature review section and explain why your results are the way they are.


Writing a good science dissertation needs a solid and convincing language that will keep the panelist glued to your paper to the end. The above points can help you turn your plain content into a top-grade piece. Seek dissertation advice where you don’t understand.

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Environmental Science Thesis Formatting Guide Thu, 19 Aug 2021 07:59:20 +0000 The thesis is the final document you submit before approval for graduation. It reflects the knowledge and skills you have gained during the coursework. It should be printed and presented attractively to attract an excellent final grade.

There is a lot of aspects your need to understand while making your final thesis paper. For instance, you must have information on the thesis formatting guidelines and thesis paper sections, among others. Here are factors you need to understand when working on your thesis format.

  1. Submission deadlines

Due dates are essential when writing your master’s or Ph.D. thesis. You must understand the exact deadline for submitting your work before you begin structuring your paper. Before the due date, your work must be complete in the correct format. It should have the introduction, background information, literature review, references, and appendices described in the outline.

  1. Layout, paper margin, and font

There are always thesis formatting guidelines you need to follow while writing and formatting your thesis paper. Typically, your supervisor will provide an approach for the font, page margin, printing layout, and spacing. All this information is essential to your thesis writing. When you work against the writing and formatting rules, you are likely to attract a low grade or subjected to the correction that may consume more time.

  1. Sections of a thesis

The thesis section varies according to the institution’s guidelines. However, a standard format includes a Title page, Dedication (optional), Abstract, Acknowledgments, List of Figures, List of Tables, Table of Contents, Body of the text divided into its sections, with tables and figures Appendices and References.

  1. Numbering the thesis

For the thesis, all the preliminary pages such as abstract, title page a, dedication, acknowledgment, list of figures, page numbering should be in lower cases of Romans numerals (such as i, ii, iii. iv.). The title page comes first but without numberings. Number the remaining pages in sequence using whole numbers. Except for the title page that is numbered, all other page numberings should be at the center bottom, 0.5″ from the page margin.

  1. Thesis headings

Different heading levels separate your thesis into different sections. You should not use more than three levels in your work. The first heading level divides your work into significant parts such as abstract, conclusion, introduction, references, among others. The second heading separates your work into intermediates, while the third section separates the intermediate levels into minor thesis paper sections. The heading should never appear alone on the bottom of the page. It should always have a text below it.

Further, the first-order headings should be in capital letters, bold, and centered. The third order should have major words in capital letters, bold and centered. They should have major words capitalized, bold, and justified to the left for the third order.

  1. Printing your thesis

You should have four copies printed and distributed to various sections according to your institution’s guidelines. Have a copy to the library, and the rest distribute according to your program directives.

  1. Referencing

Citation is crucial in any honors thesis writing. Depending on your institution’s thesis formatting guidelines, apply the appropriate method of referencing and citation. Follow the standard way of citing other books and reference them in a proper format.

  1. Abstract formatting

Unlike other thesis paper sections, an abstract should include one independent page. It should never contain more than 250 words .it should come just after the title page and be numbered in Romans. You should separate all paragraphs in the abstract with a blank line.


Formatting your environmental science paper needs keenness. Different institutions have varied formatting guidelines that you should follow to the end. The formatting guidelines differ with the section. For instance, the abstract formatting requirement may not be the same for the rest of the pages. The best way of ensuring that you are on the right track is by constant consultation with your supervisor and referring to the writing instruction every time you write.

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Easy Dissertation Titles in Science Thu, 19 Aug 2021 07:58:31 +0000 Science, unlike other fields, Is particle. It needs manipulation and testing of the specific variable to obtain results. As a student perusing science courses, you must have good research and dissertation writing skills. Before graduating with your master’s in science, you will need to demonstrate to your supervisor that you understand existing real-world problems and ways of proving solutions.

The science dissertation writing process is very definite; you need a good topic for easy flow of content and structure. Before you start you’re your science dissertation writing process, ensure your pick a relevant subject. Science is a broad field with several branches. Some of the science courses include medicine, biochemistry, pharmacy, among others. For relevancy, go for topics that are within your areas of specialization.

If you struggle to find suitable science writing topic ideas for your master’s or Ph.D., here are tips to guide you while picking the best topic. Use them to brainstorm your opinion on what to reach on.

  • Develop unique idea

There are already existing dissertations on various topics. When Writing a science dissertation for your master’s or Ph.D., choose a new topic. Research on what people have not done before. Your supervisor will need you to contribute new knowledge to the existing body of information. Good issues always focus on contemporary topics that have not received more researches.

  • Focus your topic

Science is a broad field with a lot of other interrelated branches. Going for a specific branch of science is not enough to offer a particular topic for writing your research. Writing a science dissertation requires a more specific topic that will ensure you focus your study and provide a more precise and detailed finding. After you determine the branch of science you are researching, focus on a more specific area to get a definite topic for your dissertation.

  • Choose a relevant and logical topic

Not all specific topics will be ideal for writing a scientific dissertation paper. They must be logical and relevant. Your work should contribute relevant information that others can rely on to further their research. The best way of determining the relevancy of your topic is by engaging your supervisor at all the stages of writing. Let them guide you through instead of wasting time writing on an unrelated case that your supervisor may disapprove of at the end.

  • Review other dissertations for a quality topic

You may take a lot of time writing a science dissertation and face rejection at the end. It is recommended to go through other dissertations and review their topic. Doing the right thing at the initial stage is essential. Reviewing other subjects will give you an idea on how to structure your paper and even determine whether your topic is unique or there are already existing studies about it.

A good research topic should fill in the gap of existing knowledge. Reviewing other writers’ work enables you to identify gaps in a specific field that you can fill in by a new topic.

  • Seek advice from experts

Unlike other academic papers that need your unique ideas and contribution, desertion requires constant consultations. You must have a team of experts who guides you on every step in writing. Before you pick on what to write your dissertation on, share it with your supervisor or any other expert in the field to guide you through.

  • Take time to find the most appropriate topic

The topic selection process takes time. You can’t rush through the process and get a suitable topic. Always have several issues in mind and vet them for the most appropriate case.


A higher-grade dissertation depends on the topic choice. If you get your science dissertation topic right, the whole writing process will be smooth, and you will spend less time than the wrong one.

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